Facebook - Wellbeing Campaign
Role - Animator (Scholar Staff)
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While at Scholar, I got to work on a series of animations to show off Facebooks in-app Well-being feature. I was the animator on this particular spot, and got to animate it from top to bottom - from the UI to the kittens playing with string. Almost all of it was done in After Effects, with a few cel animated bits here and there.
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Design & Animation: Scholar
Creative Director: William Campbell
Managing Director: Jo Arghiris
Executive Producer: Kirsten Noll
Head of Production: Tyler Locke
Art Director: Hana Eunjin Yean
Sr Producer: Antonio Hardy
Designers: Hana Eunjin Yean, Irma Hasanic
2D Animators: Kenny Kerut, Sam Button, Irma Hasanic
Cel Animator: Sam Button
Editorial: Scholar
Assistant Editor: Dominic Strazulo
Music by: William Campbell
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