Role - Designer
This project is an infographic made for class explaining The British Invasion. The assignment was to create style frames based on the word "Revolution" using a modern or naive style. The British Invasion was a musical revolution in the 1960’s spearheaded by The Beatles. This movement began when British Rock and Roll groups quickly gained popularity in the United States. The bands mixed what were considered “American” genres, blues, country, and rock, with emerging “British” genres, Skiffle, Beat, Dancehall, and Celtic Folk. The result was a brand new, fresh form of rock that took America by storm, and ultimately changed music forever.
For this project, I emphasized what influenced the start of the British Invasion, and how British bands mixed genres from both countries to create a new sound. I used two separate monochromatic color schemes to represent the style and sound of each country, and combined them in the last few frames to show the mixing of the different sounds. I focused on using a few key characters, and important instruments or icons that pertain to the movement, all of which is presented in a relatively flat, geometric style with bright colors and minimal shading.
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