CoMotion 2019
CoMotion 2019
Role - Lead 2D Designer/Animator
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CoMotion is a student sponsored and organized event that brings together top industry professionals with Motion Media Design Students at the Savannah College of Art & Design. The event includes the Annual Student Showcase, panel discussions, lectures, and portfolio reviews. The goal of the event is to connect students with potential employers and receive feedback on their work, and prepare students for their career by offering diverse insight into the industry.
Every year the students of the Motion Media department hold a competition to decide who will do the branding and title sequence for the event. The branding is voted on by fellow students, and the winners of the competition get to pick a team to create the titles. I got the chance to serve as the Lead 2D animator for CoMotion two years in a row, with the latest being the 2019 title sequence.
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As the 2D lead of the title sequence, I was placed in charge of a few different things. Individually, I began by creating a main logo animation that would set the tone for the rest of our 2D work in this title sequence. Then, leading a small team of 2D animators, we each designed some simple, geometric UI that would be scattered throughout our 3D world. We combined different elements from all of these designs to create two solid UI sets for the walls of the main entrance hall, and the floor of the elevator room. We then used these elements to create quick, flashy animations for our main character to interact with, matching the style of our main logo animation.
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Another focus of the 2D team was to animate a myriad of title cards that would be shown in the showcase. I created a few motion tests, and made 3 animated title cards to present to my team as an example of how the cards should move. We then distributed the cards equally among ourselves, and got to animating. For these title cards, I mainly tried to focus on emphasizing the geometric, glitchy designs inherent to our branding: simple, flashing white shapes along with tiny, pixel-like bits that jump around the screen. All of these details helped tie the title cards into the 2D animated elements in the title sequence itself
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Creative Director: Daniel Whitaker
Producer: Desmond Du
Co-producer: Hunter Scully
Art Director: Jayson Hahn
Lead 3D Designer: Marcelo Meneses
Lead 2D Designer: Sam Button
Compositing & Editing: Desmond Du
Lead Graphic Designer: Madison Kelly
Experiential: Hunter Scully & Madison Kelly
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Designers + Animators:
Tomo Beddie
Will Burkart
Zach Herdman
Xin Zhao(Kenny)
Riley Williamson
Irma Hasanic
José Manuel Peña
Zach Hixon