


These frames were created for a class project, for which we were asked to create illustrative style frames and character designs based on the word "Bombard." I decided to create a music video for Portugal the Man’s Atomic Man. The song's title and high energy, guitar driven sound made it come to mind when we were assigned this word. Atomic Man covers a few different topics and alludes to even more. Mainly, the song discusses the narrator’s relationship struggles, and the question of their existence or purpose now that the relationship has been broken. Additionally, the narrator questions religion, taking a pessimistic view and voicing their general observation of hypocrisy.

  The concept I created based on this song, and the word “Bombard,” was one that isn’t necessarily directly tied to the lyrics of Atomic Man, but instead visualizes the struggle that the narrator describes. The piece revolves around a young grenadier-turned-mercenary, Mic, who finds himself alone, in debt, and constantly questioning both his past and his future. The piece opens with him drinking alone in a small, remote sky-tavern when 3 robotic, and relatively inept, debt collectors show up to get their pay. Knowing his actions have caught up to him, and being completely broke, Mic fights the collectors off using his government-given ability to manifest plasma grenades from thin air. As he attempts to flee, One of the collectors pushes him off the edge of the tavern, where Mic begins to tumble towards earth. On his way down, Mic experiences an existential crisis, shown through abstract and psychedelic visuals. Memories are brought up, emotions are had, and Mic comes out a new and improved man just in time to see the ground fast approaching. As the last chord rings out, Mic hits the ground and the screen turns black.

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