This concept was a collaboration between Anastasia Skrebneva, Véro Gomez, Patrick Knip, and myself. Created for our class, the assignment for this project was to make style frames based on a "fairy tale" theme using tactile elements. Our board is based on a traditional Russian folklore called Surale, about a wooly monster with one horn on his head that resides in the forest and tickles people to death. He also enjoys thieving the occasional axe from lumberjacks. We combined his two of his most most prominent traits and created a little story out of it.
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Hidalgo, the lumberjack, was cutting down trees in the woods one day. He got tired and put his axe down to take a break. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a strange furry creature happily taking his axe away, so naturally Hidalgo decided to chase the thing down to get his invaluable tool. Little did he know, the creature that took his axe also gets a thrill from tickling people to death. Poor Hidalgo did not live to see another day.
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Creative direction by Anastasia Skrebneva, Véro Gómez, Patrick Knip, & Sam Button
Set Design by Anastasia Skrebneva, Véro Gómez, Patrick Knip, & Sam Button
Post-Production by Anastasia Skrebneva, Véro Gómez, Patrick Knip, & Sam Button
Illustrated by Patrick Knip
Character Design by Patrick Knip